My Summer Experiences

Ah, summer.  A time for new experiences.  Which is what this is about.  During college I've been spending my summers working and below are links to the things I've written about these experiences.

My Oklahoma Trip - The summer of 2000 (between my sophomore and junior years) I worked with the National Petroleum Technolgoy Office (NPTO) in Tulsa, OK.  Not a bad experiences, but I'm not exactly anxious to go back.

Closer to home - The summer of 2001 (between my junior and senior years) I worked (again for DOE) in Oak Ridge, which meant I got to be at home and do a lot of things I had been hoping to do.  Much better than the year before.  Since I didn't keep an online journal this year like I did last year, I'm instead linking you to the paper I wrote for school.