Color Game Quotes

The color game. Someone burps and everyone has to say a color (if they excuse themselves, the game is off!). The last person to say a color loses. If you say purple, you lose. The loser's next words are their sex noise. Here are some of the best I've heard...

"I'm in the mood for some pussy!"
-- said while passing a thai restaurant and discussing whether or not they used cat in their recipies

"I don't know how to play this game."
-- David Mayberry

"It's no fun with just two people."
-- Unknown

-- Anna Herweyer

"It's my turn?"
-- Scott Heaney

"I had liquid in my mouth."
-- Scott Heaney

"Close the door!"
-- Friend of Jenny Winters

"Gimme a minute!"
-- Jen Holman

"Goddammit, why'd I do that?"
-- Justin Crosby

"Christ, aren't we done yet?"
-- Justin Crosby