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Johann's Little Home on the Web

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Hey hey hey!!! Welcome to my homepage. =Þ It's been a while that I didn't touch this, and I just got "sipag" to add some stuff to it, isn't that kewl! hahaha... oh well, I'm Johann, and this is my "Little Home On The Web"! pretty kewl huh? hehe...korny ko.

Go to the second page and look at some of the pics I put up! There are more to come, don't worry! =Þ

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dark_bullet2 Kundirana '98 Webpage

dark_bullet2 My School- DLSU-CSB

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Ikaw ba'y nalulunkot? walang magawa? sulatan mo naman ako!!!

Come right in!!!Explore the second page!!!Pics about Kundi, Innersoul, and ME!


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