The Procrastinator's Link Page

I can tell already that you're my kind of person. I'm one of the worst procrastinators out there. (Just ask my coffee pot on finals week, the night before 20 papers are due, the night before a birthday, . . . . )

Anyway, for a few sites you've gotta see, go to my links page.

But before you go, you have some work to do ;)

Don't worry, I'll help.

If you're really desperate, you can email me. But I'd rather you do this stuff yourself.

writing a poem? go here.
doing research? this oughta have what you're looking for.
looking for a zip code? here ya go. French dictionary? believe it or not, there's one on the web.
Trying to make a page? look no further! (or you can always email me.)

Good luck! ;)

Back to my page for the bored . . .

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