Jesus invites us to be his disciples. If we choose to accept his loving invitation, we must understand that there are certain conditions to be fulfilled.
One of them is a willingness to accept the cross. Is this a once-for-all taking up of one particular burden? I don't think so. It seems to me that my "cross" is each particular occasion when I am given the change to "die" - that is, to offer up my own will whenever it crosses Christ's.
It is never easy for me. Shall I make excuses for myself (that's the way I am; it's my personality; it's the way I was raised; I'm tired; I can't hack it; you don't understand) - or shall I pick up this cross?
When Jesus took up the cross, he was saying yes with all his being to the will of the Father. If I am unwilling to say yes in even a very little thing, how shall I accept a more painful thing?
The call still comes to us: Take up your cross and come with me. With you, Lord? Yes, with me. Will you give me strength and show me the way? That was my promise - is it my custom to break promises?
Elizabeth Elliot
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