The random page of nothingness

This is the random page of nothingness. A free zone where you can read a long website full of random thoughts and, well, nothingness. No design because I don't want to bother. No actual content because I don't want to bother with that either. Just nothingness.

There used to be something here. But Geocities, in its wisdom, deleted all of it because I didn't log in for a while and forgot the content was here. So now there's nothingness.

Frankly I have no idea how you found this page. But if you're here and you're reading, and you like the nothingness idea, I invite you to join the nothingness movement.

Nothingness Movement

You don't have to do anything to join the nothingness movement. There's no platform, no ideals, no commitment, and no action required of members. There are no meetings or meet-ups. No conflicts. And absolutely no thinking or involvement required. It's the easiest movement you ever joined.

Of course, you also get nothing from it. This movement offers you no social connections. No career advancement. No political gain. No humanitarian accomplishments. No thought-provoking discussions. No exhilirating actions. Not even a spell check or a Coca-Cola.

This is the nothingness page. Feel free to surf elsewhere now, where you may find... something.

Thanks for stopping by.

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