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Bloody good!

Pub games are very popular in Croatia. We just can't hang around without Big Chicken or Fuzzy Duck. So to make a long story short here are some rules and of course at the end please tell me have you enjoyed it!

Bloody good!

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one click and you will download all rules written in Word for Windows 7,0 (ZIP compressed)

Bloody good!

If you ask me it is a stupid idea to talk about my self especially after I saw BEST page what so ever called:

Houm pejdzx - you can't even imagine - Sirp's "Speak English or Die"

Bloody good!


This is an old technique of making fools of our selves. So all you have to do is follow these simple rules:

1) come to party full (for best results ate sponge cake)

2) bring two dices (which you nicked from younger sister's Barbie set)

3) dices are elegantly set at the table (not necessary stable) minimal proportions 20x20 cm

4) usually starts a biggest loser (or to put it in another words you must have someone like Sik)

5) first one, which throws combination 2+1 or 1+2, becomes BIG CHICKEN and gets a sip of strongest buzz (which is used like chips in poker) - this really brakes the ice on the parties!

6) CHICKEN plays again 'cause he/she is winning - in a "big chicken way"

7) in next throws if chicken or someone else throws dice with number 3 chicken must take another sip 'cause he/she's CHICKEN, but if he/she throws another 2+1 or 1+2 then he/she becomes DOUBLE CHICKEN and so on with a progressive growth of 1 so next time he/she drinks 2 sips just for one 3

8) but in this game everybody is winning so if someone throws a combination with sum equal 10 everybody drinks a sip, or 9 player siting on yours left takes a sip, or 11 sip gets a player sitting to your right

9) that's not it, 'cause every DOUBLE thrown number, e.g. 4+4, means that thrower have to distribute a 4 sips to one player or more of them (e.g. Sik 4 or Sir 1 and Sii 1 but Sik 2)

10) if someone throws DOUBLE number trice in a row then he/she's got to make a NEW RULE [e.g. every time someone throws 2+4 or 4+2 everybody must... well just say - Bottoms up! -]

That's all! I wish you pleasant hours and days with BIG CHICKEN, but if you don't believe that it is so amusing please refer to more experienced players.

P.S. Oh yes, if 1 dice falls on the floor that is bonus 1 sip and if both dices fall... Well I think that you have a good idea about what should follow!

This game is number one!

Bloody good!

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