
Shauns Home Page



Hello, my name is Shaun and this is my bit of the world wide web. I want to give the readers of this page an idea on what it is like living in Sydney Australia. I will briefly tell you a bit about myself. I live at home with my two parents. I am 18 years old, I have two brothers and three sisters to whom I am the youngest.




About My Family and I
Where I Come From

What Interests Me

How You Can Contact Me

Tell Me Stuff

About My Family and I


As you read above, there are a total of eight in my family. I have the usual stuff like dogs, cats, birds and the odd fish. I think fish are boring, cats are greedy and dogs rock! Especially big dogs. Little dogs are just different versions of cats... and I dont like cats!


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Where I Come From


Well, I come from a place in Sydney that is not in the city.. approx. 45 mins away. My house is set on about 6 acres on top of a hill.

I have lived in Australia all my life and love the place.




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What Interests Me


My Beetle Page

I am interested in VW beetles and I am interested in learning more about them. I have made a page which is totally dedicated to beetles, old and the beautiful concept 1.


Click on me to visit my beetle page!


I am about to commence cleanup and repainting of  my car.

My little baby is a 1975 model VW Superbug convetable. As you will see in the picture.









I am on the ICQ network. You can contact me on the ICQ network if I am online. You will find the contact panel in the " How You Can Contact Me" Section of this page.



Being a typical male I enjoy driving cars, looking at them, and one day I will hopfully race them. I am  interested in joining a car club.



I am currently a deli boy in a Woolworths Supermarket in Richmond, Sydney, N.S.W. Most of my time is swollowed up in that place.


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How You Can Contact Me


E-mail address


I am on the ICQ network so contact me there, I will get your message next time I am online!



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Tell Me Stuff


Please send me mail telling me what you think about this page and how I might improve it.







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The copying of this page in any way, shape or form is strictly prohibited. The page may only be copyied with the expressed permission of the owner by contacting him via e-mail.

Last revised: November 04, 1999.