Ken's Home-Page

A Brief History of My Life

My Teen Years
My Early Adulthood
My Last 5-10 Years
My Boys
My Houses
My Work
Some Personal Trivia
Latest Photos (the secret page)

So Like, Why a Web Page ?

Well actually I had just got my scanner so it seemed like the thing to do at the time. Also, some of my old friends were asking what it was like up here so I threw up some pictures of my house and neighborhood. I also wanted to have some old pictures and info posted in case my boys were ever interested in that sort of thing, and finally, it was Memorial day weekend and I was bored.


Some of My Other Websites and Stuff

A MIDI Generated Song I Composed
An Acoustic Song I Composed
RAID for Knuckleheads
My Sexy Cables Page
NetMapII Network Protocol Analyzer
My YoMamma Page

You may email me at