Wh@t is D@ Liq? Wouldn't U like 2 Kno... You c@n't h@ndle D@Liq!
D@ peepz of D@
Munch It
Drunk It
Mix It
Gigg It
Deny It
LiQ 240's Gre@test Hits
LiQ 240's Secret St@sh
What is D@
D@ LiQ, can
only be found by the most worthy... There is not a fee... There is
no Beef there...
There are
lots of Refreshmentz (if you know what I mean)...
Only he who
seeks solitude and relaxation can find D@ LiQ. Yet, still, he is
not worthy...
Can you pass
the test? Do you want to know what D@ LiQ is?
much much more to come... |
Greatest Hits ***Sh!tt!n Up my Booty*** "Bloop Bloop" (Hot
boyz Remix)
"I can't spell, I can't spell... Stop bein'
a hater, write it down on paper, you know that I can spell..."
"If I woulda knew I woulda grew up and I can't
I woulda learned my A-B-C's
I woulda learned my 1-2-3's
That way they wouldn't laugh at me..."
Official LiQ Song: Rock the Table
"Ooooh, baby I luv Yo' poke...
now let me touch your shoulder...
that's too slow.....
I believe that we can break this shit on down
I want you to Roooock the Table"
Rock the Table(x3)
Break it down
Poke da Middle(x3)
OOooh my butt hurt
Change position (x3)
Rock it for me
<Inside Joke>
Official LiQ Song: Sh!tt!n Up My Booty
"Hey Sh!tty Booty, How Ya doin?
Said your stuck on da Toilet 4 da Weekend,
Lookin 4 some Bloopin to Get into
Tell me How many Plies and I got U...
Booty gettin old
time to drop a load
How much can a toilet hold....? (Ohhhh)
This is my bloop 4 real no doubt
Said this laxative's makin my guts fall out
As I walk into the bath room
Hopin this will pass soon
I hope this don't hurt while
I'm Sh!tt!n up my booty
Sh!tt!n up my boo-hoo-ty
My boo-ho-ty
sh!tt!n up my boo-hoo-ty
My booo-o-ty
course, U R wonderin what's in da cup...?
not Milk!
one of Mix It's concoctions...
that how u spell concoction? whatever...lol
Gigg It is also Funnel It
Drunk It...can be no
more than a drunk! lol
(I showin' U Dread!)