The Closest Approximation We Can Find...

There are many different forms of Middle Eastern Dance, commonly known in Western cultures as Belly Dance.  I will not go into great detail on these, but instead will focus on the closest approximations to historical dance and costume that I have found to date. With regard to dance, the closest I have come to the feel (if not look) of historical dance is Tribal Style (or American Tribal Style: ATS).  As you can see from the name, this is an American invention, and it was designed to emulate the tribal dances of the Middle East.

Historically, Middle Eastern Dance was done by women, among women, in their private quarters, known as the harem.  Today, the word harem evokes a Hollywoodized depiction of exotic, scantily clad, giggling women lounging on large pillows and waiting for their turn in the Sultan's bed!
Well, the image of all the women together in one palce is at least accurate!  The harem was actually the name for the private home, often a series of suites where a man's  wives (up to four according to Islamic law), children and sometimes his mother were housed. They lived a completely cloistered life.  During the days and nights which they spent in this life of seclusion, various forms of entertainment developed and flourished.  Dance was certainly not invented in the harems, but it was fostered by the women who danced for fun among their family and friends.

History has many more examples of women dancing together--for religious and spiritual reasons, for cultural reasons, and just for fun--but to review the details of these histories would demand a site in itself.  Suffice to say that Tribal Style, and its related forms such as Fusion and Neo-Tribal, attempt to capture and re-create this connection women found through dancing together.
An example of very simple ATS costuming. These are far from as elaborate costumes as you will usually find in formal performances. Here, Khalida and I are dressed to dance at an SCA event.
To see more Tribal Style, and Neo-Tribal Style costuming, visit my online store for everything your Tribal  heart desires
(almost! ;)

Kamikaze Costumes
More to come!
Research, research, and more research going on right now!!
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