Hey peeps! Hope all is great. Well, anywayz, lemme tell ya a bit about myself. First off, my name is Tiffany Ludwig. I'm a female, who will be 17 on May 3rd. I live in Virginia Beach, Virginia. If ya wanna see some pix of me, jus' look at the linx below. I basically have light brown hair and blue eyes. I'm also 5'3 and 104 lbs *and that's with my clothes and shoes on...hehe*! I go to Princess Anne High Skool and work at Boston Market. If ya wanna get to know me better or u have any questions, jus' email me or sign my guestbook! Also, I have AOL IM and ICQ. HAVE A GREAT DAY EVERYONE & DONT FORGET TO WRITE! Adios! -tiff