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Rdswan: hey
Rdswan: youre off the hook this weekend
Rdswan: my sisters not coming out after all
schmid29: ok
Rdswan: if you dont watch your mouth missy ill be forced to warn you
schmid29: ok
schmid29: why isn't she coming???
schmid29: I was getting all excited
schmid29: I love playing tourguide
Rdswan: turns out her 5 year highschool reunion is this weekend. i told her she was such a dork for going to that
Rdswan: i avoid my highschool like the plague
Rdswan: like sars
schmid29: ok then
Rdswan: like lydia
Rdswan: lum
schmid29: very funny
Rdswan: lum=sars
schmid29: Bob=Big Old Biatch
Rdswan: can you do magic eyes where you put your eyes out of focus and see a 3-d picture?
schmid29: yes
Rdswan: try this one
Rdswan: http://geocities.datacellar.net/rbtswan/magiceye.html
schmid29: that is absolutely disgusting
schmid29: oh my god, I almost puked
Rdswan: hahahahahahha
Rdswan: hahahahahha
Rdswan: hghahahhahahah
schmid29: oh you're so gross
Rdswan: thats actually joe
schmid29: ha ............................... ha.............................
Rdswan: you no oyure laughing
Rdswan: im actually laughing out load
Rdswan: loud
schmid29: right
schmid29: I'm really not
Rdswan: hahahahha
Rdswan: now its time tow arn you
schmid29: fuck you
schmid29: that's getting really annoying now
Rdswan: if you werent so vulgar and kept disgusting me with your gross links - i wouldnt have to do that to you
Rdswan: but i need to let other IMers know that youre going to do something foul to them
Rdswan: by warning you - im warning them
schmid29: fuck you