Thursday, May 29, 1997

Yesterday, a man named Edward Evans appeared on on the television program, "FOX After Breakfast." He had been a radio talk show host on KWZM, 93.6 FM, in Los Angeles, California.

"When the signal was overridden," he claimed, "I felt, yeah, like there was a presence. I felt calm. Very, very, calm." He went on to say that an advanced breed of humans is coming from another dimension to Earth.

When asked about future plans, Evans said, "I am going to Omaha, Nebraska. Yes, Omaha. That's where the [signal] is telling me to go."

Although we do not mean to discredit Mr. Evans in any way, we cannot believe what he says until we have further researched the signal and its origin.

In a press conference this afternoon, Andy Smith, of SRIUIRS, presented several hypotheses as to the origin of the signal.

"It could be some ultraviolet radiation expressing itself in the form of a radio signal," he said. He went on to say that it could be a result of the Hale-Bopp comet or CFCs.

As of yet, none of these theories have been proven or disproven.