Q. I don't get it.
A. This is the Digital Steakhouse, an Internet project by Elliot "T-Set" Harmon, a Junior in High
School. It takes a humorous look at life on the Internet. If you don't think it's funny, deal with it.
Q. Who is this Neal G. Lineback dude?
A. Neal G. Lineback is a very smart dude who publishes an article called Geography In the News.
I wanted to dedicate a page to him, and it happened to be near Christmas 1996 at the time. This
brings up an interesting point. A great deal of the stuff in the Digital Steakhouse is based on inside
jokes. Instead of worrying about them, just take it at face value and have fun.
Q. Gasp! I'm offended!
A. I try to present my ideas in a way that will offend nobody. However, please take everything on
this page with a grain of salt.
Q. What is with those Javascript messages at the front door?
A. They are from "So Long, and Thanks For All the Fish" by Douglas Adams. I am a big fan of the
Hitchhiker Trilogy, so don't be surprised to see references to it. Take this next question, for
Q. What do you get when you multiply six by nine?
A. Forty-two.
Q. Where can I get "Prometheus and Bob" videos?
A. Man, I wish I knew. If you know, please E-Mail me and let me know.
Q. Why "Digital Steakhouse"?
A. Originally, the page had a really long name which I have forgotten. I guess I thought a name with
"Steakhouse" in it would inherently lead to a fun page. My brother Erin suggested, among hundreds
of other things, Digital Steakhouse. And it stuck.
Q. Why don't you update the page very much?
A1. I am a highschooler. I always have homework to do, I play Casio in a rock band, and there is
the occasional rumor of a social life.
A2. I do, but those "Updated!" messages always struck me as a little bit stupid.
Q. Really?
A. Yup.
Q. Then how can we tell if you've updated?
A. Usually, the most recently updated pages are put in the specials.
Q. Do you really expect someone to send you 30,000 bucks?
A. Why, will you?
Q. Is this the future of the Internet?
A. No, it's the past. Albeit forgotten, there is a lot of cool stuff on the Internet, but you won't find it
here or here.