Hi all. I made this page for you and to you. You , The visitors, who are going to make this page great by your contributions. These contributions will be updated weekly and every one of these contributions will take a part of this page. Of course, everyone of you ,my beloved, visitors have the right to take part of this page by sending his contributions via e-mail. We won't forget that every person of you, the visitors, has his/her privacy , However you can send your contributions, with ur name initialized for your comfort, and moreover you don't have to tell us about the place that you are sending you contributions from. If you do it's going to be more helpful for us.

The contribution is about a story or an event that you would like to share it with your friends all over the world. You can also send your problems, Love problems, to us and we will find the answer for your problem. You can also send your answer for the problem that will be based in here every week. You can also send a topic or subject that you would like the visitors to read about or talk about so you can have lots of point of views from all over the world.

What i'm trying to say here that i want to build a special community based on love, caring and understanding. Why do we refuse to help someone who needs to talk and release his pressure. We are trying to make a community who listens to each other's problem and tries to talk about it and finally find the best answer for that problem.

As I said earlier, this page won't reach its intention if you , my beloved visitors, won't help out and send your contributions to us.

Final Thoughts:

Making a community who related by love and caring bonds, is not that hard to make. We are , the people, make that unique community hard to reach. Instead of being in peace and love we are fighting ourselves. Instead of working in our problems we are working to make more and more of deadly weapons. Give yourself a chance and try to smile for everyone in your work place. You aren't going to lose anything in fact you are going to gain everything. Love is our secret to fight all Love's enemies with a big sweet smile.

So Please, Love Followers, take a part of this and send us an e-mail about anything happens to bother your path of love, or send us an e-mail to clear someone's path of love. Let's be love followers and raise our love community higher and higher, for more generations to come.

Now Let's take a look to this week's story And don't forget that we need your answers.