~Softbreeze Graphic Links~

If I could make my own graphics I wouldn't need the talents of the people listed below. But I can't make them, yet *S*, so I need the help of those that can. Of course you don't need graphics at all, but they make the page pleasing to the eye. So the folks below are the ones I've relied on to make what I can't. Backgrounds, bars, buttons, and the other graphics that spice up your page. These can be original works of art made especially for your page. It's out there and now all you have to do is find it! These links are a collection of my favorite pages. From these you can go to their links and sooner or later you'll find just what you are looking for! As I said on the main html page remember to give the credit where it is due. Honor the manner in which these folks wish to be repaid wither it's a link to their sight or an e-mail. We wouldn't have all the wonderful things for free if it weren't for them. I have a credit page, My List of Thanks, listing the graphics I've used on my site and try to also give credit on the page itself. I'm finding great graphic sites all the time so bookmark this page and check back from time to time. The sites are listed under the category that best represents the bulk of their graphics, but doesn't mean that's all they have. They may have more to offer so check them out. I have also started holiday graphic links pages so you can creat super holiday pages.
Happy hunting...

Windy's Fashionable Page Designs
Backgrounds and Bars by Cynthia
Graphics from GranGran
Marvelicious Graphics
The Mousepad
The Graphic Station
The Dawg Hause Art Gallery
Tropical Nights
Graphic Station
Kimberly's Graphics
Pooh's Graphics
Cat Stuff Graphic Index

If you've spent any time at my site you've seen that I love border backgrounds. There are several ways to handle the text. You can use a simple table, or you can use the ul tag. But the most reliable way I've found is the vspacer gif. I had used the table method to start with and on some monitors the text wound up in the border anyway depending on the monitor size and settings it was viewed with. This method uses a small gif along with a table to force the text to stay to the right of the border where it's supposed to be. The link below will take you to the download site and you can copy the directions for it's use.

Windy's Fashionable Page Designs

Scroll down below the index table and you'll see a gold circle that says download vspacer.gif. It will be a zipped file. Open it and upload it to your page editor. Copy the html for the table from the directions exactly as it is showned and paste to your editor. Be sure to close the table before you close the body and html. There you have it!

Art by DianaDru, Oakchase Limited



This page updated on January 3, 2003

Text on this page is Arial.


This page is my own creation and to the best of my knowledge contains nothing that is not free for use on the net, or anything I have not received permission to use. If something is seen on it that you know belongs to someone else and has not be noted as use by permission please e-mail me at once and I will correct the situation.