He also learned that if I didn't put a leash on him he could run away from me. That didn't make me happy to say the least. He didn't have a fence on two sides of our yard. We were waiting to move into the new house we'd bought, but there were delays. So we usually had to put his on the leash. Otherwise we'd have to chase him as he ran down through our neighbors yards. But he was just going to say hi to his Mommy and brothers so we didn't scold him too bad. On days when he was being good he'd run to the back of our yard and slip under the shed. He loved to lay under there and soon figured out he could stay out of my reach. I told you he was smart. *L* But usually when I called him he'd come. One day he came from the back of the shed and was dragging a stick almost as big as he was. His head was stretched up as high as he could get it and he struggled to get it to the house but he made it. He was mighty proud of himself.