Well, to put it bluntly this is a place for me to voice my opinion about what sucks, and why I think the world needs a massive overhaul. So it'll change from time to time what I write in here as things change. I will date them of course so you can know exactly when my little hatred came about. I need a place to vent or I'm gonna explode, so I made it here.
How sad is it when those people we strike out against, those we bitch about, those we wish to eliminate.... how sad is it when we begin to become when we hate? It is a sad and horrible thing. I have recently experienced this. I was becoming what I hated, and I was doing it of my own free will. I seemed to be enjoying it at the time. However, I have seen the path I have gone with enough time to change. I was infected with that deadly virus, and yet, I have a chance to purify myself of it. For that I am thankful. I am truly saddened by who I have lost to that very same diese. Some great people. Now they are gone, possibly forever changed. That is indeed sad. However, they are gone and there is nothing I can do..... sometimes I think maybe they deserve this... maybe they do. Either way, it is still sad. Sad that this horrible virus has infected so many. I was talking about this with a good guy, Theo. There seems to be some kind of deadly contgious virus, and so many have fallen. People seem to be blackened by it, their hearts killed. Transformed into some pale monster of their former selves. Bringing out all the evil in them, and killing the good. Leaving just a shell of their former self. What happened that this virus was created? Who would be so horrible to unlease it up the innocent? Killing all of the good ones. I hav discovered anyone can fall ill. Even those aware of it's exsistance. I have discovered I have to be strong. I have to be of strong will to fight it. To ward it off, it is much easier to just let it win..... it will be hard to stay a float... but the alternative is unimaginable.