Princess Cathy's Throne

You are the #th lil neb nose to bring ya butt into muh humble domain ;)

*3/6/00: I swear it this time...THIS SITE WILL BE UPDATED SOON! :) Until then, have a look around, and be sure to sign my guestbook, let me know you stopped by!

Hello there everybody!!!
I'm your tour guide here; better known over the "net" as the Princess (self proclaimed, but...what the hay!) IRL, you'll know me as Cathy. Anyhow, I hope you enjoy your stay here: Hold on tight, and make sure to stay seated until the ride comes to a complete stop. Thank you for riding the Princess Expressway!

This is me, guys, your happy lil' navigator for this lil' place in cyberspace!
If you go here you can see more pictures of me! (The above picture was taken in December 1998)

Last Updated 3/30/99: Click here to see some of my buddies!
If you want put on my photo page, tell me!!! :) (And psst...for those of you on this page who HAVEN'T kept in touch, I'm mad at you! =P)

I'll put some of my links back up after they are updated...Which in Cathy Time equals what, two or three years? *big smiles*

Christian Tyler, 15 months old

I have been given one of the most precious gifts God can give, and I am eternally grateful... Click on the picture to see the page I have made for my little angel, Christian Tyler. Also, you can link to a whole list of pregnancy links that you will find VERY informative. I have had so many requests for new pictures of Christian to be posted, and I promise as soon as that is possible, new pictures will be available! To briefly update you all (Lord knows when I'll update Christian's page!), Christian is 2 years old now, and he is growing into a very handsome little boy. He talks quite a bit, and occasionally you'll get quite an intelligent conversation out of him! He's still a finicky eater, but what kid isn't? :) Christian knows all of his letters and numbers, and can sometimes read a word or two. He grows more every day, and I'm so proud to be his mother.
~Please check back soon for further updates~

Now, a lot of you who don't know me "IRL" (in real life), ask me, well what are you REALLY like? I have had numerous requests for a "stats" page, but, dammit I hate the phrase, "stats" ;) So... a lot of people also ask "What do you like?" So, here's a top ten list of things that this Princess likes/loves...

(10) Music: Mostly any type, with the exception of most country, opera, and classical. Other than that, I'm a pretty lenient soul when it comes to music types... ;)

(9) Foodwise: Generally, my favorite cuisine is ANYTHING Chinese food. Everyone who chats to me or knows me IRL knows this. Mountain Dew is on my favorite list as well, though I'm trying to lay off the caffeine (ANYONE remotely close to me knows why!) I like Mexican, and lastly, I LOVE anything dealing with Oreos! Especially Denny's Oreo Cookies and Cream Pie! Or Oreo Madness at TGIFriday's... oh boy!

(8) Flowers: I LOVE yellow roses, of course red are nice, but yellow ones are my favorite. So if you wanna impress me, send me yellow roses. I'll melt... ;)

(7) Nighttime: I'm such a night person. I could easily stay up all night looking up at the stars, but dammit don't wake me up out of a deep sleep in the morning. You'll see A VERY CRANKY PERSON! *s*

(6) Clothes: God am I a clotheshorse... love killin' charge cards at the mall, it's such a wonderful pasttime, really. But of course, you get into serious debt! :) And, I also work at a mall. But... it can be a curse... :) If you want to see where I work... click here! I'm a member of the management team (I'm the Lead Sales Associate)for the Wilson's at Monroeville Mall. Ya need something hot in leather? Look me up! (P.S. It's a family store, people. Don't get any bright ideas!)

(5) Chatting: Here's my favorite place to chat. The Globe has lots of awesome people... and I've made some great friends there.

(4) Cats: My favorite animal. I once had a kitty named Honey... she was so dear to me... Here is a page I made for her when she was put to sleep. It was the hardest thing I ever had to do... ;(

(3) Da Males, da boyz, da men o' da world: *hehehe* Ya can't live without em and ya just can't shoot em ;) Just kidding!!! (Somewhat, anyhow). I'm a diehard flirt, I warn ya now... but capture my heart, and I'm putty in ya hands...

(2) Penn State: My college!!! ~Woohoo~ Go here to see the Penn State University Homepage! ;) While surfing through Penn State pages, PLEASE read the Penn State McKeesport Collegian! I held many positions on the newspaper, including Editor-in-Chief. I am so glad to have been a part of its development. Please go here , and you will see Penn State McKeesport Campus, the branch I graduated from in May of 1999. I received a degree in Letters, Arts and Sciences. But while I'm on the subject of good ol' PSM... To the members of the Computer Center staff: I miss you guys so much!!! *sniffles* To the faculty and staff: I miss you all too; each and every one of you are in my thoughts constantly, and I luv ya to pieces.

(1)My lil one, Christian Tyler: My absolute pride and joy. Nuff said. That's a given folks. He's my little personal angel from heaven, and Christian, when you are old enough to read this, know that Mommy loves you very much. You are my inspiration, and my reason to wake up in the morning.

I hope you enjoyed your stay! Check out all the links, and when you're done, please let me know you stopped by! Remember, this page is being revamped soon, so keep stopping back! As soon as I have time, I'm going to try and update Christian's pages (hopefully with new photos!!!). If you are anxious to see pics, email me and I'll send you what I DO have on my computer (yes I have a few). Thanks bunches!~ Stop back soon!

~Love and happiness,~


I don't know how many of these still work or whatever... but here's my last set of links as of... oh hell I dunno when... just go there :)

My Globe Homepage
My Penn State Personal Homepage
Penn State McKeesport Campus
Penn State McKeesport Collegian
Queen Janet's Homepage
Whitney's page
Chris's page
Amber and Chad's Corner
Des' Angels Page
The Druidess's Homepage
Dave's Homepage
Get your free email account at Hotmail!!!
Kennywood--Roller Coaster Capital of the World!
Cedar Point Homepage
Dave and Jen's Cedar Point Page -- Official webmasters of the CP webring
The A great place to chat!
Wilson's-The Leather Experts
Lycos Search Engine

E-mail me!

Christian Tyler Tomko's Webring

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Princess Cathy's Throne is a member in good standing of
Christian Tyler's Webring
and is owned by
Princess Cathy.

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