~*~Princess'z Buddiez' Picz~*~

Keep the pictures coming everyone!

Ok, I know u two are no longer a couple, but dammit this picture is still cute, and I had SUCH a blast when the three of us went out! Here's one of my best friends, Firegirl121 and Knightmare1, another very near and dear friend.

This is Janet, with her husband, Karl. Aren't they just an adorable couple? Janet and I have been friends for over 20 years... amazing huh? She is also Christian's godmother.

This lil couple is very much in "loooooooove" (inside joke!) Here's Amber and Gene. Aren't they just too damn cute? Amber and I have been buddies since high school.

Ok, so if u go to Penn State McKeesport, you may be wondering what it takes to work at the Computer Center. Ever also wonder what we do here? HERE'S A GOOD LOOK! We love to have fun... you can tell by the pic! From left to right: Amber, Tom, Cathy (dammit u oughta know that's me though!), and Rob. *sings like Cartman*>>> "U guuuuuuys are my best friends!... hehehe"

This is one of my closest friends on the web who has really been like my backbone, she's my "sis" and I luv her to death! Here's Mom_of3, more commonly Chris, with her hubby Mike

The guy in this picture is someone I have been talking to for yeeeeeeeeeeeeeears. In fact, he is my original homepage editor. Hell, I can't believe how far this page has come since its VERY early beginnings! And I have you to thank sweetie... You're a wonderful friend, luv ya dearly. This is davetool6 from the Globe, on AOL's IM you'll find him as davetool16... (Dammit pick a number and stick with it, quit confusing me! haha) Also in this picture is his adorably sweet girlfriend, Jen (and hopefully one day you and *I* will finally get some time to talk and we can trade Dave stories *hehehe)! You two are ADORABLE! Invite me to the wedding (*crosses fingers*), no better yet, I wanna be in it with Christian! :)

Here's another sis o' mine... She's known as audi_s! You can find her flashing her cyberbooty in Whiskey with that AWESOME icon! ;)

Though he's not really here anymore, he just HAD to be on here! :) This is Poker69 *drool* :)

Here's my sissie babygoddess...I miss you Sissie! *huggiez* Come baaaaaaaack!

Another mega drool ladiez...Ahhh the boyz o whiskey are just cutie-patootiez! This is 1tazman... oh how yummy huh? Hey Tazzy...YOU gotta get your ass back to the Globe too! *poutz*

These two are two more of my cybersissies, the ever so sweet pair of Dalynda and Chaya! Watch out for the wrath of "Daly" as she likes to be called *no formality needed here, it's just Daly guyz!*, and especially beware of the bigchayahugz* ;)

Here's the guy with God only KNOWS how many Globe personalities he has, but most likely you'll see him as xCrazyHorsex (but r.i.p. Crazee Hawse! Globe chatters would understand!)... and he'z a very close friend. *smilez* Be good to him...if you aren't, you got ME to face, and that isn't good *gglz* *huggz ya babe* Thank you for absoutely everything you've done for me, you are just da bomb!

Here's another friend of mine; treat him nicely and he'll honor you the same way. Here is the official "Cyberknight" of Globeland.

This is DragonzEve, or even more commonly known as Dark Dragon... He's such a sweetie... Luv ya to pieces hon! *huggz and kizzez* That's all as of now...*Please note... This is STILL being updated... (hahaha every ten years j/k) so if you're not here, you will be soon enough!* If you want on just ask!

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