This is Wayne's Home on the WWW

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Can you sign my guest book before you leave. Any suggestions will be appreciated. If you like to see what other people have said about my page, then look here.

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Let me introduce myself. My name is Wayne van der Merwe and I have been looking all over the WWW to see if I can get my home page on the Internet. I have found a place at Angelfire , GeoCities Home Page and Yellow Internet publishing.

I married Mandy on the 30th of November 1996 and enjoying every moment of it. We are planning to have children in the near future.

I work for Telkom South Africa. Our department is called Telematics and we deal a lot with WAN's (Wide Area Networks). Have a look at some of the services I work with. I also give support on Beltel.

I enjoy all types of sports like Rugby, Cricket and Under Water Hockey. The one that I play the most is Under Water Hockey. This is played by 10 players of whom 6 are in the water and 4 are reserves. The reserves can join the game but only if one of his team mates leaves the playing area. This can happen while the game is in progress. The club that I play for is called BUC.

You can view some of my

Here are some photo's that appeard in our news paper, befor inter clubs that was held in East London, South Africa.

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I think that a counter is great, so here is one for my page

E-Mail: me with any suggestions, thanks.