Here you can find a few (big stress on few) MIDI files, for your own enjoyment. The authors are unknown to me, but they are well done.
After finding the selection you want to use, put the curser on the music box and press the right
mouse button. An icon will appear choose "save as", You will need to save this as a file on your
hard drive (a disk would be your best bet). After doing this go to your File Manager
and upload your file. then use your File Manager and put in <embed src="filename.mid"width=140 heights=60 autostart=true loop=true>.
This should automatically put your music on your homepage.
15613 africn.mid
22684 amadeus.mid
26325 atswants.mid
20997 best41st.mid
28023 beteyes.mid
21187 blakvlvt.mid
4519 cheers.mid
15263 eternal.mid
21841 isilu022.mid
12617 jump.mid
16801 rapeme.mid
10570 sobeaut.mid
17697 tina.mid
22662 without.mid
31308 y-m-c-a-.mid
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