EJ, after a few minutes on the "La-z-boy"
Suprise Guest with Hayley... (msh msh msh)
OC doing what he does best..... * OChaos Ponders
Hey look, its Sudsluvr in the hall!!
tessie getting her IRC fix.. (What else is new!)
awwwww isnt that just sooooo cute.. (EJ looking on)
Vader gets some Diablo advice from Aodhan
Aodhan arm wrestled EJ for the La-z-Boy (and WON!)
Suds and Sgt fighting over the keyboard
Stupid PeeeeCeeee (need I say more?)
EJ gets help from Slinger installing her batteries.... hmmmmmmm
Slinger, Im Irish, Which often gets confused with Lonely and Horny
Good Day, Now show me your tits..
Cookies......... Need I say more?
Good help is hard to find.....
We came all this way for snow... all we got is beer!!
Slinger and Pluvius chatting without keyboards!!
SgtPepper all ready for the cold
Sgt strutting his stuff with EJ hiding behind him....
Hayley and Slinger after the bar.. with SgtPepper diving in....
Kimba and gollygee after the bar....
Kanga hard at work making us all FOOD!!
Kanga again in the kitchen....
kanga finally gets some IRC time between meals