They Say I wrote this a couple of years ago its pretty much self explanatory. Its dedicated to all those people out there that have lost whether through death or break-up or some other reason the all-consuming love that penetrates the soul and last a lifetime.

They Say

Love is blind so they say
They say that soon it will be okay
But living without you is like living in hell
When they here this they say oh well
They don't understand the pain I'm going through
Trying to survive this life without you
They say the anger and grief will go away
The pain of losing you will fade, so they say
They say I will find somebody else to take your place
But they forgot the beauty of your face
They forgot the smile that lit up my life
They forgot the eyes that captured my soul
They say get on with your life
But I say my love for you will burn forever
I say that without you my life is black and white
I say that without you my life is black and white
I say to have you back I'd give my life to pay
Whatever they say

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