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also known as the 'Convict Capers'

Breeding Convict Cichlids

This is a day by day journal of two pairs of breeding convict cichlids who share an aquarium, and who spawn happily together. It gives full detail of events and stages of daily development of the fry.
Daily Breeding Journal of Convict Cichlids


After the many emails received, I've set up some frequently asked questions to assist you with the breeding of convict cichlids. These questions are taken directly from emails I've received and the answers are what I've experienced while breeding convicts. Opinion may differ but these are my own experiences with convict cichlids.

How do visitors find your website ?

Since the inception of this website, according to site statistics, there have been over 33 700 visitors. Most find the site through google or yahoo search, others use the link at or 

What do you feed them ? [the fish, not the visitors :) ]

Mostly flake food (due to the cost) and frozen bloodworms (taken very readily, their favourite) and sometimes frozen daphnia.

How long before the eggs hatch ?

It takes about 4 days, once hatched, the fry are wrigglers.

How can you tell the difference between a male and female convict cichlid ?
The male has longer more flowing fins and a slight 'lump' on his 'forehead' whereas the female is more rounded with rounded fins, usually smaller than the male. The female also develops more intense colouring during breeding.

Will they eat their fry or eggs ?
Usually they take exceptional care of their fry and eggs but on occasion, depending on various factors, such as the fish being disturbed or stressed or deformed fry, in which case they've been known to eat the fry and eggs

What are each of the roles of the male and the female in protecting the fry ?
The female tends to guard the fry very closely while the male will swim the perimeter chasing any fish who venture too close. See convict cichlid breeding journal for more details about their growth stages and development.

Thank you for the emails received from researchers, lecturers and hobbyists.

Tropicalfish (alt site: Breeding convict cichlids)
Convict cichlids - alternate site