Hi I'm kaytybug.
I signed up on 10/02/97 22:02:34. This page was made with a webtv originally. Now I have a computer and a webtv. I have kept my webtv links for all the webtv users out there. Enjoy. I really had fun doing this and still enjoy working on it. Computer users may not see the page correctly because of the webtv links, but I am slowly trying to get everything right.

My interests are:
Bowling, Reading, Meeting Friends.

I am Kaytybug. I am a single mother and have two children, a son-Chris and daughter-Kim (Shaddowe). They are the light of my life. I hope you will enjoy visiting my homepage. It is my first effort and I've been working off and on on it since 1997. I don't have a lot of time because I work two jobs. I have added a page with some links that I have used and some that I just enjoy visiting. I also added a page about myself just for fun. Thanks for visiting me!!

I've just started a new web business selling specialty refrigerator magnets. I've got magnets that make sounds, they're really neat. Check it out NOW and enter a DRAWING FOR FREE MAGNETS!!

About Kaytybug

Kaytybug's Christmas Page


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