Sully's Adventures

Last Updated November 25th, 1996

This is a Journal of sorts, based (loosely) upon my life. Most facts are true, and are only exaggerated to make me look better. I must warn you, this is by no means the story of my whole life. If I had decided to write the whole story, I would've had to have this page rated NC-17...

My Latest Journal Entry -- March 7, 1997

Well, I'll start with a little info about myself. I was born under a full moon in a cave near Nome, Alaska. Life was harsh in the tundra, but I managed to get by on my amazing strength and willpower. Now, at the tender age of 20, I stand 5'1", and weigh in at a slender 302 lbs. I am a part-time professional wrestler and spend most of my time sitting at the docks, seeing how many times I can get the paramedics to come and help me after sticking my tongue to frozen scraps of metal. Okay, so that's not all true. But if I told you everything about myself, you'd probably hunt me down and try and kill me like those KGB agents did last year...

My name is Sully. That's about all anyone has to know about me. If you know me, you already know too much. If you don't know me, you're one of the lucky ones. If you're one of my ex-girlfriends, call off the police and we'll negotiate a truce.

People always come up to me and ask me: "Sully, you look like a great athlete. Do you play chess?" I always tell them: "Why no officer I swear she said she was 18..." Wait a sec. That's not right. I say: "Why no, I don't play chess. It's too rough for me. I'm more interested in
Basketball and FootBall

In my Globe-Trotting, I happened upon a quaint little town in New Brunswick called Moncton. I spent a total of 5 years there, gathering information for my study on primitive life-forms. A few of my case-subjects became quite close to me. Other than their extremely odd sexual behaviour (which I mimmicked only for scientific purposes, of course) they seemed quite normal. Below is a photograph of myself and my subjects:
Myself, Prince Igor, Cak, Polo, and Dew-Dew.
Scary looking bunch, aren't they?

I must warn you of an impending danger. Slowly but surely, there is an evil that is penetrating the minds of unsuspecting Internet users and turning them into mindless zombies. It has taken a form pleasing to the eye and stimulating to the mind, but is very addictive and can cause major loss in brain cell production. I am, of course, referring to the IRC. This has been known to cause marriages to self-destruct, and university careers to plummet into oblivion (mine not excluded). This phenomenon draws out strange and obscure people who never had a social life before into a whole new world where they can pretned to be anyone they want (I'm usually a bisexual trapeze artist named Sven). People congregate in "channels" and talk about many subjects (mostly sex!). My favorite channels are #atlantic.canada and #halifax. Watch out for the following freaks: cak, prncechrm, and MrBurns. They are considered perverted and desperate. Only talk to them if you're really desperate for cybersex (gender doesn't matter).

Along the way, I have come across many different types of people. Some were very nice, and some were complete asses. Okay, MOST of them were complete asses (especially that Cak person...)! There were a few nice ones, but they were rare. I found that you can't really trust people that claim to be so innocent and pure. They need a little edge to make them trustworthy. So, now I ask you... How Pure Are You?

On my journeys, I have sampled many types of food along the way. Being on a tight budget as I was, I was forced to survive mainly on what the locals call "Fast-Food". There were many different establishments to eat at, including my favorites McDonald's and Burger King (stay away from Subway -- I have never figured out what exactly is in the "Cold Cut Combo"). For beverages I comsumed Coca-Cola, 7up, even Russian Pepsi. However I strongly preferred the alcoholic beverages like Budweiser, and Moosehead. They proved to be the most enjoyable foods I have ever come across.

Through my lifetime, I noticed a trend among young people. They seem to all go through a strange period in their lives called "school" where they attempt to learn skills that (according to adults) they are going to need later on in life. Considering my superior intellect, I figured that it would be a breeze to join them in a little academic competition. This proved to be a rather simple task until I completed the "Public School" phase. Upon completion, I was confronted with the unenviable task of deciding where to continue my "education". I decided to enroll in a local school, Dalhousie University. There I was to study a miriad of subjects, but lost interest in the classes and began to study the students themselves, discovering many astounding facts. For example, students seem to have a fascination in scientific study on the effects of alcohol on human physiology. This proves to be a lengthy and expensive experiment because many students cannot remember what happened while under the influence of the alcohol. To fit in, I took part in many field studies and enjoyed participation immensely.

One individual I befriended along the way was a chap that went by the name MrBurns (as mentioned above). He was a very compelling person, with some very bizzarre habits (you'd never guess what he can do with a cucumber). Nonetheless I decided to take him under my wing and teach him the ways of The Sully. He has learned well. He now attends Mount Allison University and is in the process of becoming a great Brew Master. A man after my own heart as you can see. Here is a photo of him in his natural environment:

Well, I have had my bouts with boredom along my travels. To get through it all, I relied on reading comics to keep me sane and happy (although many would have to argue the 'sane" part). On of my favorites was Garfield. That cat just cuts me up.

Q104 VS. C100

I have come to a bit of a personal conflict at this time. I enjoy listening to whatever music the locals call "popular" wherever I am. Presently, I have before me a choice of two seperate radio stations. Q104 plays "Classic Rock" while C100 plays "Light Rock". I cannot decide which type of music I like more (Or tell the difference between the two). Which do you prefer?

Well, my life is very interesting indeed. Don't worry, I will continue to update you all on my progress in the world and will love to hear from you all. If you have any comments, insults, dirty limericks, or cheap 900 numbers, drop me a line at one of these addresses:

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