Islands in the Stream

Fun in the Sun

Rainbow Line

Welcome to my Web Page

Island Palms

Sit Back and Relax

Silver Chain

Islands in the stream,

That is what we are,

Nowhere in between,

How could we be wrong,

Sail away with me,

To another world,

Where we rely on each other

One lover to another

Small Sun

Island Palms

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Waving Bird

Smoke and Rocky want to welcome everybody to our home page. We reside in a small town in southeastern Indiana. We live in a house that is nearly one hundred years old, and is presently being re-modeled.

Since we are land locked in the mid-west and really enjoy the beaches, we thought everyone would enjoy a relaxing day at the beach. I know I could sure use one.

Gold Link

Under Construction

This page if you could not tell by now, is still under Construction. As soon as we figure out what we are doing, we will make changes.

Watch for updates as Smoke is into graphics. Be sure and check out his new grapphics and wav page.

Gold Links

Smoke and Rocky's favorite place to visit.......Jacksonville, Florida. This is *The Landing* located on the St. Johns River. The Landing has several shops to visit, in addition to *Hooters* and *Ruby Tuesday's*. *The Landing* is also centered near the downtown area.

The Landing

Smoke and Rocky's favorite site is: Kelly's Bar Room Chat.

Please come visit us there, and meet all our friends.

For pictures taken at Kelly's, and Pictures of Friends

Astra the *lurking* queen....*gnikurl* *EG*
Don't forget to take smaller puffs....*LOL*
Willowette....*Kelly's Fantasy Girl*
and everybody's dream.........
NJBoZo *the clown*..with his friend "Mr.Happy"
weedhopper *..JULES...*......*LMAO*
Prince of Orion...the great Poet
Bodine *the bouncer*
Muff *the bouncer's wife....
CRAFTY....*MOM* to everyone
Ann....*Smoke's bowling enthusiast*....*S*
Domino...A great lady with a great web-page...My first and-best friend at Kelly's....*s*
Nightbird.....a very favorite great lady....*S*
Garwood......I more fights at Kelly's
..........Skip's Vi and Vi's Skip......
.... I have to list them together because they belong together.........*S*
Lars.......Thanks for all the help buddy....
Python.......*LMAO*....thanks for the tips...
Egyptian.....A pleasure meeting you
Lady Poison.....alias Countess Vampirella...alias Satan's Altar Girl....*S*
Kymmer.......Resident from the REAL Kelly's Bar..a real sweet little lady...*S*
Chris.....A frequent customer of both the chat-room and the bar.....
Pink Flamingo....wants a *spiffy* car....
Doc Holly.....alias Hollywood.....fellow Hoosier....
TICKLER......I just love to copy pics.....
Loyd......A pleasure to chat with on any occasion...
Silverfox.........A Hoosier that definitely deserves a link on this page.......*S*
Babes.....A Cool Canadian
UNCLEDOG....G'Day......A special friend to all the ladies of Kelly's.
Laura....Another Kelly's favorite...Be sure and visit her Dungeon if you dare!...

Of course there are many more regulars.
I hope to get more links for everyone's web sites soon.....Don't Forget to check them out.....

Now that you have been here, please don't leave without signing our guest book.
If nothing else, so that we know more about how we are doing on our web-page,
or to just say Hi! I was here.

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Our Family Album

Old Family Photos

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Redball Links to other sites on the Web

Whiteball Kelly's Bar-room
Whiteball Fairy Suryana's 3-D Library
Whiteball Indianapolis Colts
Whiteball Textron Automotive
Whiteball Herbal Life
Whiteball Smoke's Free Graphics

Rainbow Line

Smoke: Send me some email!

Rocky: Send me some email!

You are number to visit our web page since August 16, 1997

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