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Palau's Legacy!

"Living Legacy"

     Palau Senior Citizen's Center is a "living legacy" to Palau's past: Living legacy in terms of the many wise Rubaks(old men) and Mechas(old women) who hold our precious Palauan heritage in their grasp.
     Not only do they share their profound wisdom with the young and old, but they also exhibit their awesome craftmanship. Visitors will surely be delighted upon seeing the magnificent Kldachelbai era chim(handicrafts) done by our seniors. The old women are experts in weaving tet(handbags), while the old men engage primarily in wood carvings such as the making of the orgall(large wooden platter). The center is open to the public and all are invited to come discover and experience the warmth and hospitality of our elders.
     Beside the center lies the Senior Citizen's Ormuul Gift Shop. It sells a large variety of authentic locally made handicrafts; some of which are made at the center. Fortunately, this gives the visitors to and see for themselves the process of making these fine products. One can find handbags, storyboards, jewelry and all sorts of marvelous items on display. They definitely make excellent gifts and souvenirs.
     The Ormuul Gift Shop is open Monday through Friday from 8am to 4pm. They do open their doors on Saturdays upon request from large groups who Occasionally drop by and visit.
     Together, with the funding provided by the federal government, all the profits generated by the Ormuul Gift Shop go to support the Senior Citizen's activities and projects. Likewise, they also assist other senior centers located throughout Palau.
     Workshops that teach traditional arts and crafts are some of the programs being conducted through their persistent effort. In addition, they can cater services, like the presentation of ngloik(traditional dance), for special occasions or events such as dinners or cultural shows.
     The older generations are compelled to pass our cultural heritage down to the next generations. As Lillian Nakamura, Executive Director of the Palau Senior Citizens Center states, "The seniors are very enthusiastic and proud to provide this most noble service to the people of palau." They hope to instill the importance and value of keeping our culture alive and well.
     She added, "Please continue to support palau Senior citizens Center in order to preserve our unique and precious culture."
     After all, this is what makes the Palauan people so beautiful, and which transcends our beautiful environment for all to bear witness to, and to appreciate the experience of paradise!

Story by Arlee Maidesil