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Proverb Literally Means True Meaning
"Ke kora terriid el di teloi ra klab e mengerem." You're like the rail which stays among taro plants but goes hungry. You're surrounded by girls but can't make it with all of them.
"Ngkora kaeb era Chelong el di bekerurt ra ongor." He's like the canoe of Ngerchelong, which the inhabitats bragged about it being fast, but which they didn't even have. He's a braggart or a big talker (all-mouth, no action).
"Ngkora ilaot Itkib el di ngii el romur." It's like the coconut syrup of Ngetkib, which mixes all by itself. He has married within his own clan.
"Kekora cherabrukl el di blsiochel e reborb." You're just like a lobster (flambuoyant in color but prone to hide under rocks. You dress up fancy but never go anywhere.
"Ngkora Chelebesoi er a Ngeriil el mad er a diak el bngel." He's like Chelebesoi of Ngeriil, dead in a fishtrap not his own. He's come to grief while performing someone else's duties, tasks, etc.
"Ngkora bekerurt el chebis el di ruebet e melalem." He's like a good top which steady's itself after touching the ground. He understands or learns quickly.
"Ke kora cheberdord el di ngii el melul rengii ra ngau." You're like a beetle that burns itself by flying into the fire. You're always getting yourself into trouble.
"Ngkora chebiei el Cheangel, el di ta e chutur a tal suk." Like the breadfruit of Kayangel, just one rotten piece will spoil the whole bunch. One bad person can ruin the reputation of a whole group.

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