Country Store
Communists For Kerry
Little Green Footballs
John Kerry's Resume
Everything I Know Is Wrong

Apostle of Peace
Mohammed Image Archive
Danish Mohammed cartoon!
Jihad: Holy struggle or Holy war?
Jihad Watch
International Global War on Terrorism


It's no joke: Kerry eying '08 Prez bid..........The death sentence for convicted murderer Sgt. Hasan Akbar was approved late last week at Fort Bragg, N.C............. China's military buildup includes new missiles and naval weapons designed to sink U.S. aircraft carriers...... It only took Britney Spears one night of hanging out with Paris Hilton to start running around without her pants...... Fil-Am Nursing Aide Pleads Guilty for Rape of Mentally Handicapped Girl Faces up to 30 years of prison........

Videos about John Kerry and the troops in Iraq

Pelosi Clarifies What She Thinks of Bush - Daily Show
Saturday Night Live: Nancy Pelosi
Rumsfeld Gets Cute At The Podium
John kerry says - stay is school or else i'll send you to Iraq
John Kerry on Imus in the Morning 11/1/06
Mad TV - Spoof of the 2004 Presidential Debates
john kerry talks about the troops in iraq.
John Kerry Trashes Vietnam Vets. Now he Insults todays Vets
John Kerry Stand Up Comedy Instructional Video
SNL - John Kerry Truths
GREAT STUFF !!! Jon Stewart on the John Kerry joke ...
rare look at John Kerry - in a locker room in Green Bay
John Kerry's True Plan - FUNNY
Kerry Gone Wild
President Pelosi?
Democrat House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi on Bin Laden
Dennis Miller on Nancy Pelosi
Daily Show: Celebrity Interview - Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi
Nancy Pelosi Wants It Now! (
Powerful Female Democrat Poised for History
Nancy Pelosi's Plan 9
Nancy Pelosi on 60 minutes
Nancy Pelosi is AWOL
Nancy Pelosi Extreme Makeover Home Edition
What If Nancy Pelosi, Chet Edwards and the Democrats win??
Please don't put John Kerry and Nancy Pelosi
in charge on November 7

Its sad to think that people like this actually exist
Debate - Predatory Recruiting Insane Liberals
illiterate egyptian rapist over death ro illiterate egyptian rapist over death row: "she wore a short dress"
arab rapist ayman being interviewed by
a wise woman before his death sentence
tell me what do you think about this

matyr's day-message to all mothers of matyr's sons
Muslim Rave Party
muslim group vandalise store and beat up muslim group vandalise store and beat up clerk ...
Homer Simpson Praises Allah
Iraqi News
MTV vs. college Republicans
Bush Blasts Kerry's 'Botched Joke'

Jay Leno: “President Bush left for his big trip to Vietnam. ... Here’s the embarrassing part: He had to ask John Kerry for directions.”

“Germany suing us for war crimes? That’s like the British telling us to brush our teeth three times a day.”

“Disgraced lobbyist Jack Abramoff reported to prison today for his six-year term for bribing members of Congress. Here is the ironic part — on his first day in prison, he ran into more congressmen than he did when he was on Capitol Hill.”

“President Bush met with the three big U.S. automakers at the White House. To give you an idea of how well things are going, the three big U.S. automakers are now Tonka, Matchbox and Hot Wheels.”

“President Bush is in Southeast Asia ... and because of the metric system over there, his approval rating is actually 62.”

What’s been on the mind of the late-night comics lately?

David Letterman: “The United Nations has found evidence of global warming. And right now, they are working ’round the clock to do nothing about it.”

“President Bush is in Southeast Asia ... and because of the metric system over there, his approval rating is actually 62.”

Conan O’Brien: “President Bush just announced that next month he will host a White House conference on malaria. Bush told reporters, ‘I’m looking forward to meeting the Malarians.’”

“Political experts say President Bush planned a trip to several foreign countries this week because he is unpopular at home. In response, the White House said, ‘That’s ridiculous. The president is just as unpopular overseas.’”

“Democrats say now that they control the House and the Senate, they plan to raise the minimum wage. The Democrats say they are raising the minimum wage because something must be done to protect Kevin Federline’s future.”

Site News

White House bid
MASSACHUSETTS Democratic Senator John Kerry said today he was still considering a second run for the White House in 2008, despite public criticism of what he has called a "botched joke" about the Iraq war.

Read more here....

Transcript: Sen. John Kerry on 'FNS'
"FOX NEWS SUNDAY" HOST CHRIS WALLACE: While the last few weeks have been a time of triumph for most Democrats, it's been a time of trial for Senator John Kerry, who disappeared from the campaign trail in the post-election victory lap after making a joke that went bad. Today, Senator Kerry is sitting down for his first interview since the controversy.

Read more here....

Accused Of Using Name To Get PS3
Raleigh, NC -- Wal-Mart claims former North Carolina Senator John Edwards asked his local Wal-Mart store for help in getting a hot new Sony PlayStation 3. The potential 2008 presidential candidate says a volunteer made the call by mistake, and feels terrible about it.

Read more here....

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