Welcome to
Khaki's Korner!

I was born and raised in Texas and raised my family
here. I only lived outside of Texas for a short time.
I lived in Kansas for a couple of years and in Virginia for
about a month or less. I suppose you could say Virginia
was a stop over on the way home. I just had to come
back to my original stomping grounds.

Once a Texan.....always a Texan....LOL

I have severe rheumatoid arthritis. Some days,
I cannot type and even walking is difficult.
My doctor says I have one of the worst cases he
has ever seen and I have been fighting this disease for
over 25 years. I am hoping that someday there will
be a cure for rheumatoid arthritis, until then
I take it One Day at A Time.

I will be making changes on my site and pages in the next few days, so please come back soon!