Laser Challenge

The Story Behind The Game

Our story begins on a warm spring day in the small suburb of Grand Blanc. It was a warmer than average Spring Day. Since Grand Blanc is one of the most boring small towns in all of Michigan, the youth of Grand Blanc must find their own entertainment. That is where Chad and Aaron come into the picture. They are the two from our group credited with egtting "The Game" going for us. They went to Toys-R-Us and bought the first set of "Laser Challenge equipment and played the first game in Chad's Backyard.  A while passed after that first initial game was played before the game would catch on again. As luck would have it boredom runs rampant in the abyss known as Grand Blanc. One Friday afternoon. Chad, Aaron, Caleb, and Ryan decided to get together that evening. Chad suggested that the other two go out and buy their own equipment so that the foursome could play "Laser Tag" at nightfall. A battlefield known as the "GB Jungle" was selected for that evening festivities. There was much fun to be had by all that were involved in what i like to think of as the first organized game of "Lazer Tag" took place. the tale of this night went on to become somewhat legendary. Others were told of this night and the fun that was had. These poeple told even more poeple. Pretty soon our group had grown from 4 people to more than 20. That large a group causes a lot of noise. And since the folks that live in Grand Blanc are all whiney snobs the police were called many a time on our fun-loving band of players. a while after the "GB Jungle was selected as the primary battleground, a sign was erected on the property saying that no one was allowed on the property after dusk. We "Lazer Taggers" Take full credit for that sign being errected. So we were forced to find a new place to play. Many different locations were tested. But again the police were called and we were forced to evacuate each respective location. Finally, the Grand Blanc High school was selected for the primary playing field. Partially from its large size to accomidate the growing number of "Taggers" and the great terrain. Again the police were brought into the picture by anonymous parties. But finally with some sweet talking from Mr. Caleb Carr we ended up getting the aproval of the night staff of the high school and the Grand Blance police department. We are finally allowed to play in peace. With the occasional apperence of Detective Rossi, just to liven things up things are going quite well. "The game has gone on break for most of the school year unfortunatly due to the fact that most of us have moved away to our respective schools. But as soon as summer rolls around...It's on again. Now I suppose your wondering why we play such a tame game. i have news for you, It is not nearly as safe as you might assume. We have had bones broken on more than one occasion. and there has been a substantial Blood loss from the members of our group. We do it all in the name of our teams.

The basic way our game is played:
Two teams are selected and one team is chosen to go find a base location and defend this base. the other team has to wait a short period of time before they go on the offensive against the others teams base. Each player can receive 10 hits before they are taken out of the game. Whichever team has at least one surviving member is the winner of the game. When a person is killed on the battlefield, their weapons can be used by whoever can get to them. There are other variations of this game. we have tried a capture the flag version and also a version where prisoners are taken. Both of thses games proved ahrder to play than the "go kill everyone technique".  Hopefully our game will continue as we grow older. i know there will be a few of us ready to get back to the game. Until then.....

Come, meet new people, Shoot them.....

Caleb Carr