YouKnowYouWatchTooMuchSailorMoonWhen... |
You tape a crescent moon to your cats forehead, start talking to it and expect it to answer you. You don't go by you're real name but by your alias Serena, Mina, Ami, etc. You fail a test and jump for joy because you know you're just like Serena. You get angry at your teacher and shout out, "In the name of the moon, I'll punish you!" You wear a sailor uniform to school everyday. You cut out sweat drops and tape them to your forehead when something embarassing happens. You call every horse you see Pegasus. You call the nerd at your school, Melvin, instead of by his real name. You think Darien's so hot you wish he were real. You've taped every Sailor Moon episode. You style your hair to look exactly like a character on Sailor Moon. You refer to Sailor Moon as a real, live hero. You say "Moon Prism Power" and expect something to happen. You stare at the sky expecting a child to fall from it. When you are in trouble, you expect to be saved at the last minute by a man in a tux. You take trips to Japan so you can buy Sailor Moon stuff. Here's a few from my friend, Mer! Love ya! You make everyone call you by your scout name. You call your boyfriend Darien. When you see trouble, you put up your hand and yell "Moon Prism Power" You start hanging around temples after school. You start understanding japanese Your signature is your planet's symbol. You trip over your own two feet more than 4 times a day. You start saying you're the next Queen of the Earth. All of your friends have respected Sailor names. You start living your life as Serena. You tell your teacher not to speak to a princess in that tone. You find something that can be your mercury computer. You think the negaverse is a real clan. You start practicing your special powers. Do you have your own YKYWTMSMW? Then send them to me @ and I'll post them here. |