What DOES it mean when a woman wears an ankle bracelet on her right foot?


Perhaps you've seen her at the clubs on a Friday night. She's a beautiful woman, mature, in control, and dressed to kill. You notice that her flirting has made her the center of attention and she is completely unintimidated by the group of guys who are taking a strong interest in her. You then realize that her left hand, which is rubbing the crotch of one gentleman, wears a wedding band and an engagement ring. Her right ankle, which is softly rubbing against the leg of another man, wears a single ankle bracelet. As she makes her way out of the bar, escorted by new friends, you notice that she smiles knowingly to a gentleman who had been watching the whole scene from afar...her husband.

The Hotwife lifestyle is one in which the husband (known as the cuckold) enjoys having a wife who freely engages in sexual encounters with other men. The dynamics of this type of relationship vary widely, however most of the time the relationship will follow one or more of these patterns:

Coming Soon...Candid interviews with real Hotwives and Cuckolds

What better way to learn about the lifestyle than from the participants themselves? Watch this site for in depth, one-on-one interviews with the men and women who know what sharing means. If you are a cuckold or hotwife and you would like to participate with answers and photos, please e-mail me at NH_Toys@hotmail.com.

Would you like to know more about Hotwives?

The Hotwife Forum
Voy and Margaux's Hotel Lounge
Club Cuckold

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