--The scene opens in the early morning. The sun barely glimmers through the trees, and the fog touches the ground. The camera pans out, and catches the sign "Iowa- State Penetentary". The picture catches Dark Angel standing looking up into the caged window. He stares at the window for a moment, then looks at the camera, and begins to walk closer, and closer to the camera. He then gets so close that you can see that he has a mischevious grin on his face, as he begins to speak--
-Dark Angel- Animals... Caged Animals...pause these people have been locked up. Kept away from society, for they are a risk. They have proven that they are a risk to everyone. I too shall be in the penatentary soon. Solitary confinement, because not even the hardened criminals can bare to be locked with me. For I shall brutally murder Slayer and Mercer... Slaughtering them like new born lambs. Dismembered in the middle of the ring, pleading for help, but to no avail.
--Dark Angel simply slumps to the ground, and kneels down staring into the sky, as he then looks to the ground, and puts his hands over his face and buries into the ground, as he brings his head up, and lifts his hands over his head, and begins to speak--
-Dark Angel- Michael Mercer... and Slayer, do not be so arragant. You can not possibly believe that you can stop me from ripping your still beating hearts out of your fuckin chests and force feeding them down your throats! You can not for one f*cking second believe that you are more powerful than I am. How could you be? How could you be more powerful than the Final Prophecy himself? Honestly Slayer, you seem confident... almost too confident? Thinking you shall win and retain these titles is a distant dream, you can not f*cking beat me Slayer. You will not, my will to thrive has over thrown your will to survive.
You give me that sick feeling in my stomach. You know the feeling that a mother gets when the police come to her house late at night, and she almost knows that its her child that is in brutal harm? I have that feeling, for I know that a officer is going to have to make a house call to your house Slayer, and let your mother know that you and your nephew Michael Mercer have been brutally beaten, and now drink your food through an IV. Your confidence might prove to be your downfall Slayer.
I know you will not believe me until it finally happens, and I look you into your face, the eyes rolled back, and shallow breathing, as I step on your abdomen, and stomp leaving my track behind, as you show me your submission. Plead for your life that is all I want, I shall kill you Slayer, and Mercer too. Death is becoming a reality for you men... Feel the Sickness....
--Dark Angel walks away as the camera shuts off--
--Scene Fades--