The Looney Bin

This is one of those really dull pages where the artist informs the viewer of who and why they are. So then.

At the bottom of this page is a rough approximation of me in my most normal state; swearing at my PC, natch. (It's at the bottom of the screen so that by the time you've read this crap, it may have loaded.)

Eeek, I haven't made a proper introduction. Well, here we go: my name is Sarah Jacotine, and I am going out with a wonderful chap called Paul Tallon. I met Mat McGowan, the originator of Crazy Lizard Studios, about four years ago on an HND Animation Course in Bournemouth; I met Matthew Smith through the Bournemouth University sci-fi club, which is where I spent a lot of my time in between being asleep or playing Final Fantasy 7 (yes, I like Chocobos) or FF8 (Edea is cool) or FF9 (yay, cuddly Vivi) or Diablo 2 (yay Blizzard). At present I'm hoping for a job in animation, and eventually Paul and I intend to move to Hong Kong and earn lots so we may purchase loads of anime and other miscellanious crap. Oh, and so we can have nice big powerful computers so I can make more films.

If, for some inexplicable reason, you wish to contact me for commission work, or just for a larger version of an image, or even to say hallo etc, e-mail me.

Or, if you want to see some of my work, click on the links below. Enjoy!




Original Artwork


Fan Art

Curriculum Vitae



"Boot up, or I shall repartition your hard drive."

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No, I don't want a new septic tank.