Home Address:
256 Shenstone Rd
Riverside, IL 60546
(708) 447-1937

University Address:
1012 Wardall Hall
1012 W. Illinois St.
Urbana, IL 61801
(217) 332-4513

Goal: To find a summer internship or other professional opportunity to gain museuming or other anthropological related experience.

*University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (Urbana, IL 61801)
-Second year majoring in Anthropology and Classical Archaeology GPA 2.974/4.0 May 2006
*Riverside | Brookfield High School (Riverside, IL 60546)
-Graduated top 10%, National Merit Semi-Finalist

*President, Residence Hall Association (student government representing the 8,500+ students in the residence halls)
*Active member of Alpha Omega Epsilon Professional and Social Engineering Sorority
*Participate in various leadership and multiculturalism conferences
-participated in LeaderShape Inc.’s one week leadership camp
-presented program at UIUC’s Allerton Leadership Conference
-helped form delegations for national RHA affiliation conferences
-working with inner-city multicultural issues in Detroit in November through Alternate Spring Break
-attended TEAM's multiculturalism conference (Horizons)
*Serve on various university committees as a student body representative
-Vice-Chancellor Pat Askew’s Lunch Bunch
-Office of Student Affairs Dean Riley’s Celebratory Riots Committee
-Associate Dean Ruth McCauley’s Rape Awareness and Prevention Committee
-Illinois Student Government’s Housing Appeals Committee
-University Residence Halls’ Housing Advisory Board
*Member of Illinois Street Residence Hall Finance Board
*Member of Engineering Council’s Awards Committee
Work Experience:
Aug. 2003 - Present
* University Residence Halls - Desk Clerk at Florida Avenue Residence Hall
-Interact with residents, strong communication skills, maintain office, trained and work with Residential Life staff in issues with residents
April - August 2002
* Village of Riverside
-Worked as an office assistant in the Finance Department, managed inventory, helped departments with their budgets, worked at the front desk addressing residents’ concerns

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