My page of Quotes and Proverbs
Many people will walk in and out of your life, but true friends will leave their footprints in your heart forever.
      ~ E. Roosevelt

Every new beginning comes from someother beginnings end. ~ SemiSonic

One person can bear more than ten oxen can haul.

Pray that you may never have to suffer all that you are able to endure.

With patience you can even bore through granite.

You can fall down by yourself but to get up you need a friend's hand.

Anger and rage will make you age.

Anger is a thorn in the heart.

Anger makes a fool out of the wise.

The bitterest misfortune can be masked by a smile.

Every beginning is hard, but easier afterward.

The eyes are the mirror of the soul.

Ask and you won't get lost.

The wise conceals his intelligence, the fool displays his ignorance.

A mirror can also be the greatest deciever.

A good cry lightens the heart.

Fear is worse than the ordeeal itself.

Confidence is haf the victory.

A tree bends only when it is young.

Every question has an answer.

The tongue is the pen of the heart.

Knowledge in youth is wisdom in age.

To know nothing is the happiest life. ~ Euripides

Knowledge is silver among the poor, gold among the nobels, and a jewel among princes.

The only jewel which will not decay is knowledge. ~ Langford

Destiny is something men select; women achieve it only by default or stupendous suffering. ~Harriet Rosenstein

Enemies and lovers are destined to meet.

It is better to lose one minute of your life, than to lose your life in one minute.

It is better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all.

Bad is never good until worse happens.

Be true to yourself and you will never fall. ~ Beastie Boys

Hope for the best but prepare for the worst.

Use your special ablities to help other people.

You are a piece to the puzzle of someone else's life. You may never know where you fit, but others will fill the
       holes  in thier lives with pieces of you.

Painted flowers have no scent.

A friend is never known till he is lost.

A friend -- one soul, two bodies.

A true friend is the nectar of life. ~ Tamil

An old friend is better than two new ones.

The only way to have a friend is to be one. ~ R. W. Emerson

When all else fails, love saves. ~ A. K. Green

True friendship comes when silence between two people is comfortable. ~D. T. Gentry

Your friend is the man that knows all about you and still likes you. ~ E. Hubbard

Happiness is not something you experience, it is something you remember. ~ O. Levant

The roots of education are bitter, but the fruits are sweet. ~Aristotle