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Welcome to My Homepage


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Please note : You will often find that if there is a photo or image, if you move your cursor over the image writing about that photo/image will appear!

Here is a picture of my family; my mum, sister Jenny, myself and my Dad

Hey and welcome to my page. It has taken me quite a while to update my page. I decided to go for a total make over! I found it too difficult and confusing just updating old images etc, I wanted a new look, so here it is. For those of you who have been before I hope you can see the difference and for those of you who are new I hope you enjoy my site.

I will apologise in advance in case anything isn't quite working. I am hoping I will get things right first time but you never know!! I have a guestbook at the bottom of this page, please write any suggestions or report if anything isn't working so I can tend to it and of course positive feedback is always welcome!

This page will just have some info about myself. My name is Kirstie and I'm 19 years old. I started designing webpages 4 years ago but have been very slack recently. I have many hobbies which include; athletics , swimming, cycling, walking, reading, meeting people on the net, surfing the net, TV & movies and music

Seek You & You Seek Me!


I have been using ICQ software program for a very long time and have made lots of friends from it...I also use the MSN Instant Messenger. I enjoy meeting new people from all over the world. If you do not have the ICQ software then there is a direct link to the ICQ homepage below. If you do have ICQ my ICQ# is 3146865 and Nickname LilOne. You can view my ICQ communication Centre at any time.

My status is shown below to whether I am on-line or not:

(Apologises for this currently not working - When I make my status visible I get hounded by messages from people I don't know in ICQ. I am hoping to figure if there is a way for me to show my status on my webpage but for this not to affect the ICQ public pages)

You can also leave me a message on the message panel below:

The ICQ Online-Message Panel
Sender Name:
Sender Email:

My Personal Communication Center   What is ICQ, Download
Create Your Own ICQ Message Panel

Use of the ICQ Online-Message Panel is subject to Terms and Conditions

Download ICQ HERE!!

This page was last on Sunday 1st July 2001 11.04am BST (British Summer Time)


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