
Name: Samantha
Sex: Female
Age: 13
Birthday/Sign: June 17, 1986 - Gemini
Location: USA
Description: I have blonde hair, Brown eyes, I am 5'1" tall and I love horses.
Personal Message: I would like to find a guy that is single and likes to chat. Also I want someone that will acually e-mail me and is funny.
Name: Breanna
Sex: Female
Age: 18
Birthday/Sign: June 2, 1981 - Gemini
Location: Canada
Description: i have large breasts
pretty face
nice clean pussy
and a nice medium sized ass
Personal Message: i want to get to know another girl for a little fun
Name: Joel
Homepage: Fiver Online
Sex: Male
Age: 19
Birthday/Sign: June 5, 1980 - Gemini
Location: Canada
Description: I am a drummer/percussionist for a band called Fiver, I go to Dalhousie University in Nove Scotia, Canada, where I have an A average in my major of computer science. I also like anything artistic (music, drawing, shows of any kind), and I like to play basketball as well.
Personal Message: If you love music and won't mind telling me a lot about yourself, write me a letter.
Name: Maggie
Sex: Female
Age: 15
Birthday/Sign: June 19, 1984 - Gemini
Location: U.S.A.

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