Section 6 :- Aeru's Micro World

This webpage is designed for people who want to know anything about different species of micro-organisms. Click on the thumbnails below to get detail description of each pathogen. Happy Searching !!!

Bacterial Pathogens & Associated Diseases

  1. Staphylococcus
  2. Streptococcus & Enterococcus
  3. Pneumococcus
  4. Coryneform Bacteria,Listerra & Erysipelodhris
  5. Mycobacteria
  6. Environmental Mycobacteria
  7. Actinomyces & Nocardia
  8. Bacillus
  9. Clostridium
  10. Neisserra & Moraxella
  11. Salmonella
  12. Shigella
  13. Escherichia
  14. Klebsiella,Enterobacter,Proteus & other Enterobacter
  15. Pseudomonas & non-fermenters
  16. Campylobacter & Helicobacter
  17. Vibrio,Mobiluncus,Gardnerella & Spirillum
  18. Haemophilus
  19. Bordetella
  20. Legionella
  21. Brucella,Bartonella & Streptobacillus
  22. Yersinia,Pasturella & Francisella
  23. Non-sporing Anaerobes
  24. Treponema & Borrelic
  25. Leptospira
  26. Chlamydia
  27. Rickettsia,Oriemtia,Ehrlichia & Coxiella Mycoplasmas

Viral Pathogens & Associated Diseases

  1. Adenoviruses
  2. Herpesviruses
  3. Poxviruses
  4. Papovaviruses
  5. Hepadnaviruses
  6. Parvoviruses
  7. Picornaviruses
  8. Orthomyxoviruses
  9. Paramyxoviruses
  10. Arboviruses,Alphaviruses,Flaviviruses & Bunyaviruses
  11. Arenaviruses & Filoviruses
  12. Reoviruses
  13. Retroviruses
  14. Caliciviruses & Astroviruses
  15. Coronaviruses
  16. Rhabdoviruses
  17. Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies

Fungal Pathogens & Parasitic Infection

  1. Fungi
  2. Protozoa
  3. Helminths


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Last update on 23/10/98