

You’ve arrived at the Homepage of Barbara Hromiko. Please enjoy your stay.

If you find a horrible typo, have any ideas for my page, or just want to say hi, e-mail me.

Some of Fun Links

Centre for the Easily Amused - Tons of things to keep yourself amused. Madlibs in the Amuse-o-matic are especially fun. Plus they have Activegrams, animatied e-mail messages for just about any occasion.
Robert Jordan Fandom - I've been reading the Wheel of Time series since the beginning of the year and I've really enjoyed it. This is a pretty good page with a lot of drawings included. Plus it has links to other pages you might want to check out.
TheClyde's Jokes - A fun joke page. The jokes are sorted by category making them convenient to find.
The Best of Internet Humor - What's funniest about some of this stuff is how true it is.
The Humor Centre - What more is there really to say?
Science Joke Archive - Maybe you have to be a complete nerd to get any of these but they're pretty funny.
ComicZone - This page has some of my favorite comics on it, including Dilbert, Jump Start, For Better or For Worse, and Frank and Ernest.
Another Comics Page - This one contains the homepages for Fox Trot, Calvin and Hobbes, Bizarro, Doonesbury, and Garfield, plus many more. The Garfield page is kinda nice. There are games to play on it to keep yourself amused.
Yet Another Comics Page - Mother Goose and Grimm and NonSequitur can be found here.
Virtual Flowers - Did you do something wrong? Need to ask forgiveness? Just want to say hello? Say it with flowers. This link is often quite busy so you may have to try a few times before you can get in to send a flower to someone. But keep trying; they have a nice selection.
The Official X-Files Homepage - It's a nice page but it's very dark.
Star Trek:WWW - The mother of all Star Trek sites, or so it says. This page probably lists every Star Trek page on the web. Gotta have frames to use it, though, just so you know.

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