
Sound Effects

Welcome to the page of sound effects. These sounds are nowhere as near exciting as the rest, but are fun to play with when you add them to such things as windows, AIM, or ICQ. You may recognize many of them. I'm not putting any kind of description to them so you are on you own. Most you can tell anyway. For all of you AOL members, be sure to try gotmail2.wav. Enjoy!

40x100 Spacer GIF

beat.wav boing.wav bomb.wav buzz.wav chimes.wav click.wav ding.wav dropflag.wav drums.wav fadeup.wav fastdrum.wav fireworks.wav gloknspl.wav gotmail2.wav harp.wav hiscore.wav jpintro.wav losegame.wav markq.wav meepmeep.wav newgame.wav ocean.wav ringin.wav ringout.wav sirens.wav sprongs.wav step.wav tick.wav trombone.wav unmark.wav

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Intel Link 300x1 Spacer GIF GeoCities