Our Rules and Policy

About Us (under construction)

Chat Now! ;-)(under construction)

WOWBelive it or not this place is comming back from the dead... no longer is it going the way of the 8-track. I've got a new server thats supporting the channel, and channel usage is slowly starting to pickup again. Now that I have some more freetime on my hands, I plan to do some pretty significant updates including my own Java based IRC client (meaning you can chat RIGHT HERE).

Among the immediate changes, the most noticable is the fact that the channel name has changed (server probs) so now its #TTalk.

Another very prominant change is the fact that the server is now irc.bfm.org:6667

Old news

Welcome to #TTalk!!! We hope you enjoy your stay. Please note that by using this free service, that you are subject to the rules and regs.

This chatrooom is ran by really high quality people.. some of the highest calliber I've ever known. This is a Clean chat room, and any violations of the rules should please be reported to an Operator or IRCop.

This is an environment where you should be able to feel safe, one that is free from Harrassment, swearing, put-downs, ect. This channel is moderated by hand picked moderators, selected for their abilities, judgement and friendlyness.

Please note that if for some reason you feel it necessary to break our rules, you are subject to kicks/bans/ect. according to the MOD's judgement. Please also know that a MOD may kick for any reason he/she sees fit. This is for your protection only. Should you have some reason to file a complaint.. email it to truetalkhelp@yahoo.com and it will be addressed. Please also follow the Server rules. Thanks

                   -- #TTalk Staff