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Wittle Ashwey's Room

Hewwo and wewcome to my wittle web site! I'm Ashley. Technically I'm 16 years old and I'm in tenth grade, but most da time I like to be a fwee (3) year old cute, baby girl. I live with my mommy somewhere in the Midwest (USA). This site isn't much. I just made it so people can learn about me and so I don't have to type out my life story every time I'm in the TeenBabyNet Chat room and I meet someone new. Everyone awways asks me WHY I like to regress and be a baby girl and why I wear diapers. Dis site will expwain it awl.

Yes, I know I'm spellin some words wong here. It called babytalk and I tawk wike dis a wot. Get used to it! If you don't wike how I talk or what I do, I really don't care.

Have fun. If you want me to add a link to your page, lemme know an I will. As long as it's a cool teenbaby site.


My Favorite Web Sites

SpongeBob! - My Favorite Cartoon
Teen Baby Net - The best place for teen babies!
Disney Playhouse - A fun site hehe. My lil cousin likes it too.
Ashley's Adventures - Da best regression story. Read it. :)