Here are some pics of my Dakota. It's a '94 Dakota Sport Club Cab, 4x4, 5.2 V8, with a Meyer 6.5' EZ mount plow, Century Fiberglass cap, etc. Well, you can see from the pics. Oh, and yes, that's the plow in the background of the last one, still of the truck. This picture was taken on December 25th, in central New York, and there was still not a bit of snow, what's up with that????? We have snow now, but these 50 degree temperatures are going to take care of that right quick like, I imagine.
This is a pic from recently playing in my truck...
Here are some pics from when me and my boys went offroading just recently... that's Dave and his '87 Mitsu Montero and Timmy with his '01 Ranger. There should be more of mine, but I ran out of space and forgot to bring an extra disk, doh! Oh, and those 'posing' ones are just us being our normal goofy selves. =)As I said on the main page, once I get more offroading pics, I'll make a seperate page for those, but for now, enjoy what I have!