This page is dedicated to the Oswego State Cycling Club. I am now President of the club. I would like to do a lot in the way of organizing the club more, but time constraints have limited that. We hope to get our membership up, because as you may know, it's not that great at this point in time. I am in the process of getting the club re-registered with the college and with the Student Association, since it was not done last year. I'm hopeful that this year will be a turning point, and this club will really take off. I know there are a lot of cyclists from Oswego State University, and I would like to bring them together and into our club. We will be having weekly meetings to keep members up on the latest things going on, but when these will start hasn't been decided yet. I will put up flyers on campus to advertise, however. We will also use these meetings as a place for potential members to come and check us out, see what we have to offer. We will try to organize weekly rides to give a chance for members to come together and give people others to ride with. If you have any suggestions, or comments, email me and let me know.

As of right now, I'm planning on restarting the annual Spring Thaw mountain bike race at Fallbrook. The race will probably be sometime in April of 2003. Details will be released as soon as possible, and advertised as much as possible. Keep checking!

***There is now an official site for
Oswego State Cycling,
click here!***

Oswego State Cycling
Justin Lord, President