Hi, My name is thinkervc and I'm a recently graduate from New York City Technical College. I,m a strong mined individual usually
know what I want.In todays world, I beleive you must know what you want, because no one will offer anything of which you needed,unless there's a reason or season. Remember life is what you make it,so don't mess around waiting for someone to give you a piece of the american dream.Go out there and take it by any mean neceassary(That the American way of getting thing done).Handle your business(education,career) now so life can be a bite easier.I like when people are fun to be around not all up-tight.Thinkervc, I would say is a good hearted person but don't take me for no softy.
Well todays, was my twenty-first birthday and I just relaxed with my little sister by my parents house. Life is cool at this point in time, because I,m happy with the person I see in the mirror everyday. Many people say they want to be millionaries and drive big cars when they grow up. I just want to live to enjoy lifes different moments & experiences.The simple things in life make life worth living, like recognizing your ture self. This usually takes a few years,but when you reach that point where you can actually recognize your own self. It's a wonderful feeling because from at that point on no, "One can define you".You define who you are by your actions and awareness of your environment.
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To that special Female reading this page,I only ask of you one thing if you decide to chat with yourself...I will love that about you the most.This year 1999 has been difficult for me alot of life continuing lesssions through all the ups and down.I recently resign from a job I've had for two years and recognized it was time for that next step in my career.I,m currently employed as a Station Engineer Apprentice(KeySpan).That was one of the hardest decision I had to make in life.To admit to once self that staying in a company,that is not willing to direct your career, was like traveling down a die end street.. "Fighting a battle isn't the hardest decision made, finding the purpose and end results of that fighting is...
Well I,m a few days from my twenty second birthday and I,m very happy to be live and well.I enjoy this time of year when spring coming because it's when the flowers bloom..The Brooklyn Botanical Garden is one of my farvorite spot in bk. Right now with full time work and school life can be really stressful.
I have started runing the brooklyn Bridge again...Hot view..I dig the out doors, because I like that funny feeling you when you see New York City from differnet view...One of the best of brooklyn and the whole New York City(skyline) from brooklyn. I would like to see it from top the Reniss.Hotel downtown Bk(Morroit Hotel)as farest as the eye can see.Breath taking.I almost complete with this book(unlimited Power) "wonderful book". It's one of those book once you start reading you don't put it down until you finish and you enjoy reading thought mee book has thouhgt me so much about dealing with people and my community, it helps you condition your brain to recognize certain things about life.
(Objective of book):"Unlimit Power" was written to show you that you have the power to change your life through your behavior,actions and get a better understanding of this world you live in...Only to believ I was bored when I found this book in a book start and it has change my life... Controling your emotional state is one of the hardest thing, but evryone can do it. I would recommand this book to eveyone..IF you ready any book with a powerful message let my know thanks...peace...PS:...... Enjoy life tour until your due date..
Year 2002 here in my apartment getting my hair braided about 11:52 pm life is cool. Last year was a tring year with the 9/11/2002. The bombing of the twin towers. That day will remain in my mind for years and decades to come.Because of the terroist actative the president decared war and right now it has been going on for about seven months now. I,m still tring to complete my bachlor's degree, piece is difficult at times and other finding the money to pay for thr course is overwhualing but I find a way as usual. Life is cool doing my parting/ dating thing and I,m enjoy life for today as always. My family is a trip right now my sister I choosing a college to attend and my father bitching because she wanted to travel away. Well dam if you alway confine her, of course she going to want to move, when the opportunity presents itself " I know I would. I did just that when I became 19 years old " I moved out". I never looked back, because at this point in my life there's so much My parents can teach me. When it come to being a man and learning life isn't cool living with them thing change I have changed.
My 24th birthday just passed and I got a tattoo's-two with the design I drew along time ago. It hurt alot, but it respresented my free spirit so I did it for me and most people that seee like the design and looks different.
OCT. 2002
Well this has been another tring year as usually. I,m still in college working on this bachlor's program and I,m getting alittle worried about the whole life struggle thing .I know we're an achieved society, but time are rough. I,m working and paying bills, that's how it seems sometime. Like today pay about $846 in bills( rent, car payment, insurance, tickets). But life ius cool I,m living and I,m happy.
Well I,m a father at age 29. Dam it feel s good to rise a child and be around for she. Celeca V Carrington is some kind of special, she his this eye's that you can mely in. Her mother and I are working on the friendship there no longer a relationship there in my mind. I happy to have her around me every mintue I got to see her is joy. All this chick do is Eat, Sleep and Shit her brain out, but that's her job. When she was born she came a month early, but she was a welcome joy for my family because she became the first grand for both family's(danie..& mine's). Well I finish my bachlor's in Facility Management and started on my Master(General Management)at Dowling College. Stopped school for a little,but until some bills are up to prior I must think about life first.Child support is alittle stressful, but I,m happy to pay the thing just to see and be in me child's life. I picked up a second job at nights and it's really working out, things are not alway butter at time. When I have enough of life troubles I take a few days to me self regroup and go at it again. The experience of being a father has only discipline me even further. I only hang out when I have the time or if celeca not with me. Seeing me children grow is my number one responsible to life. I just like being in her life becausev she so nice to be around. I bought a labtop to have more access to the net and better manage my bill and it's a blessing. Things are done so much faster. Well Ms.Celeca needs her bottom and I,m hot so I have to tend to her needs..peace...
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